Saturday, March 29, 2025

Michael Jordan on Barack Obama’s Golf Game

Michael Jordan is one of the greatest athletes in this generation. His competitiveness and will to win is well known not only on the basketball court, but in everything he does, including golf. His love for the game is well noted, being a part of previous Ryder Cup and Presidents Cup teams. He is a three handicap and even has his own Carolina Tar Heel blue golf cart and golf shoe line that Keegan Bradley is wearing!

With his competitive nature, he discusses his dream foursome with friend Ahmad Rashad that includes President of the United States, Barack Obama, who shares Jordan’s love for the game. However, you may be surprised by MJ’s comments about the President’s golf game! Take a look and hear what he says! Let us know in the comments below what you think!

Michael Jordan Ryder Cup 2014

Also, watch below as MJ talks about how he started the sport of golf. With such influence in sport, it’s no wonder that many other NBA superstars have picked up the sport as well. Make sure to check out how involved in golf J.R. Smith, Chris Paul, Charles Barkley and Stephen Curry are!

Source: Back9Network

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