Thursday, September 19, 2024

Course of the Week: Gowan Brae Golf and Country Club

We’re on week 3 of our Course of the Week feature in the province of New Brunswick and have already featured two great courses in the area – Alogoquin Golf Course and Kingswood Golf Course. This week though, we’re featuring Gowan Brae Golf and Country Club, opened in 1958 as a 9-hole course and 1962 as an 18-hole course. Gowan Brae Golf and Country Club is constructed along the windy shores of the Bathurst Harbour near the Bay of Chaleur. Water views are incorporated into 14 different holes throughout the course, with some being considered among the toughest holes of golf in Canada.

The 13th hole is a 447 yard par 4 with a severe sloping fairway to a tiny three tiered green. The 17th hole is a 243 yd par 3 partly over water and into a prevailing wind. This shot will usually require a driver from even the most accomplished golfers. Over the years, Gowan Brae Golf and Country Golf has developed into one of the most scenic courses in all of Canada with slick greens and windy conditions that will challenge your skills.

Source: Gowan Brae Golf

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