Monday, March 24, 2025

Nike Patents New Golf Shirt Design


Recently, we featured the technologically advanced Nike Tech Pack, which featured Rory McIlroy and many other athletes in its marketing campaign! Nike is a company that has always has a sustained focus on innovation and last week, Nike was granted a dozen patents, including one that may double up as a coach!

In its patent filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Nike was quoted as saying “A coach or trainer can greatly improve an athlete’s form or body positioning, which can result in improved athletic performances. For most people, however, a coach or trainer is not always available and there isn’t an easy way to check positioning on your own.” With this in mind, one of the newly acquired Patent from Nike is a garment that utilizes a thin elastic material to heighten the sensation for the athlete. “The clothing will have tighter material in areas key to a repetitive movement, like a golf swing. The snugger fit increases muscle stimulation, giving a better feel that will improve form, help a coach normally would provide by watching the golfer perform.” That feedback would be especially fixated on the lower back, which is “essential to a swinging motion and is impossible to see and difficult to feel while performing, which is why a coach is needed to give feedback.” In addition to improving performance, this new idea also claims it will lower the risk of injuries by keeping athletes in a proper form.


Although many patents are granted to Nike throughout the year, there is no guarantee that these innovative ideas will make it to products on our local shelves. Regardless, the push for improvement and innovation is well respected and perhaps this is why two of the world’s top players such as Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy are under their global brand!

Source: Bloomberg

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