Thursday, September 19, 2024

Maria Sharapova & Novak Djokovic: Power Golf

In Head’s Speed versus Instinct campaign last summer, Maria Sharapova and Novak Djokovic participated in a challenge that’s a little bit out of the ordinary to say the least. Similar to what we introduced a few months ago in Footgolf, Maria and Novak also plays a different version of golf. It is fairly obviously that this version of golf is somehow related to tennis. What happens in this challenge? As Head puts it, “is golf about the Speed to drive the ball — or the Instinct to put it in the right place?”

Despite lacking realism (we highly doubt Maria Sharapova did what she did in the video), the game of “Power Golf” seems quite fun! We wouldn’t mind trying the game at all and believe this might even challenge the new sport of Footgolf! Aside from “Power Golf,” Maria and Novak also participated in two other challenges, Speed Bowling and Sharpshooting! The latter does not end well for Novak. “New balls please!!!” For some behind the scenes footage from filming these challenges, check them out here!

Source: Head Tennis YouTube

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